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AS/A Level Physical Education

  • Graig Campus
AS - 1 Year / Full A Level - 2 Years

This WJEC AS and A-level in physical education will enable learners to: 

  • Develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance. 
  • Understand how physiological and psychological states affect performance. 
  • Explore the key socio-cultural factors that influence people’s involvement in physical activity and sport
  • Understand the role of technology in physical activity and sport. 
  • Refine their ability to perform effectively in physical activity and sport by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas. 
  • Develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance. 
  • Understand the contribution which physical activity makes to health and fitness. 
  • Improve as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with curious and enquiring minds. 

Learners will develop an understanding of how the various theoretical concepts impact on their own. Performance, through the integration of theory and practice. Learners will also have the opportunity to develop an awareness of contemporary issues relevant to physical education and sport in Wales. 

Course details

Study modes:
  • Full time
  • Face-to-Face
Course length:
AS - 1 Year / Full A Level - 2 Years

Admin Fee: £25

What you will learn

  • Some aspects of practical based assessment
  • Diverse range of practical activities offered for assessment to meet varied needs of students
  • Staff teaching on the course are linked to Coleg Sir Gâr sports academy

AS Unit 1 (60% of AS qualification): Exploring physical education

This unit is made up of the following topics:

  • Topic 1- Exercise physiology, performance analysis and training
  • Topic 2- Sport psychology
  • Topic 3 - Skill acquisition
  • Topic 4 - Sport and society

Unit 1 is assessed through a written examination: 1¾ hours

AS Unit 2 (40% of AS qualification): Improving personal performance in physical education

This unit is made up of the following:

  • Topic 1 - Practical performance as a player/performer. Learners must demonstrate and apply the relevant skills and techniques for ONE sport/activity. All activities should be played under competitive/formal conditions.
  • Topic 2 - Practical performance as a coach or official. Learners must plan and deliver a coaching session as part of a training programme, SAME SPORT IN TOPIC 1
  • Topic 3 - Personal Performance Profile The personal performance analysis must be of the chosen practical activity SAME AS TOPIC 1 AND 2. It underpins the appropriate theoretical subject content and provides learners the opportunity to demonstrate quantitative skills.

Unit 2 is Non-exam assessment

AS Unit 1 - Evaluating physical education

The topics are the same as AS but they are more evaluative and application to performance is crucial.

Unit 1 is assess through a written examination: 2 hours

AS Unit 2 - Refining personal performance in physical education

  • Topic 1 - Practical performance in one activity as a player/performer, coach or official
  • Topic 2 - Investigative Research. The research should help the learner to improve personal performance as a player/performer, coach or official. It is linked to the chosen practical activity and contain research into appropriate theoretical subject content. It provides opportunities for candidates to demonstrate quantitative skills

Unit 2 is Non-exam assessment 

A Levels provide an excellent basis for progression to higher level qualifications such as degrees or Higher National Diplomas

With a qualification in physical education candidates can go on to higher education and pursue a career in teaching and coaching or professional sport, or work in the leisure industry, recreational management or the health and fitness industry

AS Level: 

  • One end of year exam
  • Assessment through practical performance,
  • Assessment on coaching/officiating
  • Completion of personal performance profile

A Level: 

  • One end of year exam
  • Assessment through practical performance or assessment on coaching/officiating
  • Completion of investigative research

A minimum of six GCSEs at grades A*-C To include: GCSE Physical Education at a B grade or above, GCSE Mathematics, English Language/Welsh (First Language), and Double/Triple Science at a C grade or above. Students should have a proven record of participation in sporting activities - individual or team.

All learners are required to pay an administration fee of £25 prior to enrolment.

You will need to provide your own stationery and you may also incur costs if the department arranges educational visits.