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AS/A Level English Literature

  • Graig Campus
AS - 1 Year / Full A Level - 2 Years

Do you have a love of books?  Do you get lost in the emotion of literature? Within this A- level English literature course, students will have the opportunity to study the three key genres of literature: Prose; Poetry; and Drama. A range of texts will be chosen from Classical Novels, such as Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre to more contemporary texts such as Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends. Although texts can change on a two to three year cycle. 

Students in English at Coleg Sir Gâr will be asked to work on identified texts, from different centuries through time and develop their theoretical and communication skills in order to analyse literature.  This course is mainly assessed through formal, external examinations, although one coursework unit is completed in the second year of study. This provides students with the opportunity to engage with a pre and post 2000 text.

Course details

Study modes:
  • Full time
  • Face-to-Face
Course length:
AS - 1 Year / Full A Level - 2 Years

Admin Fee: £25

What you will learn

A wide range of texts are read across the key genres of prose, poetry and drama. In particular, we concentrate on, and hone your skills in discussion, presentation and formal essay writing. The development of transferable skills and taking part in external activities including theatre visits and seminars at higher education providers is encouraged throughout your two years with us in English at Coleg Sir Gâr.

A-Level English Literature has a wide range of texts and approaches over Year one and Year two.  In Year one, we drill down into the literary devices, strategies and techniques used in drama, prose and poetry.  We build upon these skills in Year 2 and delve further into the analysis of Classic and Contemporary Poetry, and a Shakespeare text.  This year we are studying ‘The Tempest’. 

The coursework is completed, using the skills and techniques learned in class, on two prose texts: one pre 2000 and one post-2000. This is completed internally and moderated externally. 

A-level English literature can lead to success in higher education which could lead onto careers in journalism, creative writing, publishing, media, teaching, the performing arts, advertising and marketing. Most recently, one of the A-level English literature students has progressed to Cardiff University to study English and has set herself the aspirational target to go on to challenge J K Rowling as a successful author of teenage novels. 

AS Level English Literature is assessed through two external examinations:

  • Drama and Prose: 20% of AS-Level grade.
  • Poetry Post-1900: 20% of AS-Level grade.

In year two, A-Level English Literature is assessed through two external examinations and one coursework module:

  • Pre-1900 Poetry and Unseen Poetry 20% of A-Level grade.
  • Shakespeare: The Tempest: 20% of A-Level grade.
  • Coursework unit on two prose texts, one pre-2000 and one post-2000: 20% of A-Level grade.

A minimum of six GCSEs at grades A*-C To include: GCSE English Literature at a B grade or above A B grade or above in English Language is also advisable.

All learners are required to pay an administration fee of £25 prior to enrolment.

You will need to provide your own stationery and may also incur costs if the department arranges educational visits.

To Interpret Your World:

We use English literature as a way of exploring and gaining insight into past and present societies. Literature helps shape and develop our understanding of the world around us. Thinking critically about canonical texts, their production and reception enables us to challenge our own assumptions and ideas of the literary world.

To develop your appreciation for a range of literary texts:

English literature is a diverse subject which enables you to explore the key elements of literature: drama, poetry and prose. Additionally, it exposes you to a range of literary techniques, conventions and methods, which we evaluate in relation to how they help author’s convey meaning. English literature skills are hugely transferable to other A level subjects, including Law, History, Media and Sociology.

To challenge and interpret:

English literature not only focuses on how writers create authorial intention, but it provides opportunities to challenge existing assumptions and interpretations of key texts. How does a feminist viewpoint change the representation of Bertha in Jane Eyre for example? How does applying a formalist view to poetry help develop our understanding of Larkin’s key ideas? English literature encourages you to develop your own individual and personal responses to literary genres.