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Working out how you will support yourself financially during your time at college is something that we encourage you to do as early as possible.

There are a number of grants, loans and funds available for students depending on what course they are studying. You will not be eligible for them all and unfortunately some learners may not be entitled to any.

Generally you can start applying for your student finance in April before you start, but you can still apply almost right up to the end of the academic year. We have a friendly team of Wellbeing Officers available to make sure that you receive all of the funding that is available to you.

For financial support or advice, please visit the Wellbeing Team on your campus or email:

Within further education, there are three main types of funding available. Two are via Student Finance Wales (SFW) and one directly through the college.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) & Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG)

Student Finance Wales provide the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)  for 16-18 year olds and the Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG) for students who are 19+. We have plenty of applications for these in our Wellbeing Team offices and at campus offices, please feel free to come and collect one from us.

Financial Contingency Fund (FCF)

The other finance available is via the college Financial Contingency Fund (FCF).  This fund is specifically for students who are entitled to one of the SFW schemes listed above and this can help with the cost of essential equipment, childcare costs, DBS, studio fees, travel (if you are not able to access the college transport service) and general living costs. 

You can apply for this via a dedicated Google classroom, the codes for which you can get from the Wellbeing team.

Remember, if you (or your parents/guardians if applicable) need any advice and guidance, help with form-filling or form-checking before you submit, the Wellbeing Officers are ready to help. We want to make sure that you are accessing all of the financial support that is available to you. 

PLA Funding

The Personal Learning Account (PLA) is a Welsh Government programme which allows eligible individuals to access fully funded courses and professional qualifications.

Designed to be flexible to work around business and employment needs, the goal is to upskill the workforce in areas identified as needed regionally.

If you’re aged 19 or over, live in Wales and any of the following apply to you, then you may be eligible:

  • Earning under £30,596 per annum;
  • Working on a zero-hour contract;
  • Are working for an agency;
  • Full time carer;
  • Offender on day release;
  • The course you wish to do is exempt from the wage cap i.e. digital or net zero.

You cannot get a PLA if you do not fall into one of these criteria, if you are in full-time education, an apprenticeship programme or currently unemployed. You can still contact us for advice on what other funding is available on

ReAct Funding

If you’ve been made unemployed or redundant in the last 12 months you could be eligible to receive tailored support to get you into employment, in the shortest possible time.

ReAct+ support can also include help with childcare/caring costs while you’re training, mentoring and work experience and other costs which help to remove barriers to employment. For further advice on this contact Working Wales or call them free on 0800 028 4844.

  • Up to £1,500 to help you get the relevant skills you need - Vocational Training Grant;
  • Up to £4,550 to help cover childcare/caring costs when you’re training;
  • Up to £500 of personal development support to help remove barriers to employment - Personal Development Support;
  • Mentoring and work experience;
  • Up to £300 of extra support towards additional costs when you’re training, including travel and accommodation.

ReAct+ Eligibility

To be eligible for ReAct+ support you must be 18+ and be a resident in Wales with the right to live and work in the UK and fall into one of the following categories:

  • Under formal notice of redundancy;
  • Been made redundant or unemployed in within the last 12 months;
  • Be aged 18-24 and not in education, employment or training.
  • You may be entitled to up to £1500 to help you get the relevant skills that you need. 
  • Take a look at the courses on offer at Coleg Sir Gar/Coleg Ceredigion and also for some great case studies so far.

Not eligible?

You can still contact us for advice on what other funding and training is available at

We know that finance is a big concern for students and we understand that everyone has different needs and circumstances. There are external and internal funding opportunities available including the EMA, ALG and Financial Contingency Fund which our team of advisers can offer help with.

Existing students need to contact their tutor or campus office to refer them to an adviser or alternatively, contact the team on 01554 748036 / 748102 or email to make further enquiries.

Student Finance Wales