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Higher Education.

Higher Education.

UCAS Institution Code: C22


The college offers a wide range of university accredited courses for part-time and full-time students.  Courses range from a wealth of art and design degree courses offered in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David to a range of part-time provision in areas such as business management and engineering.

Studying in Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire is situated across the coast of south-west Wales.  It boasts beautiful coastlines and beaches as well as historical attractions such as castles dating back to the 13th century.  The county is also host to the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas’s boathouse in Laugharne and a number of quaint seaside towns.  As well as the countryside, there are a large number of towns spread across Carmarthenshire which offer high-street shops, modern cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs, for when you need a break from your studies. 

Browse University Courses

Useful information

We know that finance is a big concern for students and we understand that everyone has different needs and circumstances. There are external and internal funding opportunities available including the EMA, ALG and Financial Contingency Fund which our team of advisers can offer help with.

Existing students need to contact their tutor or campus office to refer them to an adviser or alternatively, contact the team on 01554 748036 / 748102 or email to make further enquiries.



UCAS - Managing Money

Student Finance Wales


  • This Student Charter has been created in partnership between Coleg Sir Gâr (the College), the Student Union and University of Wales Trinity Saint David (the University). The partnership is necessary as the College’s Higher Education (HE) awards are validated through the University. Therefore, HE students of the College are also students of the University.

    The Charter explains, in simple terms, the mutual expectations of the College, the University and the Students, and recognises that providing an excellent student experience is a key strategic priority for the College, the University and the Students’ Union.

  • This Student Charter covers all HE students at the College and staff at the College and University. It sets out the responsibilities which the College and University will fulfil to its student. In addition it also explains the responsibilities which students will have to fulfil whilst studying at the College. It also outlines the responsibilities of the Students’ Union to the College and its students.

    By having a Student Charter in place, the College and University demonstrates its full commitment to continually improving the quality of its services, and recognises that students are at the heart of the institutions.

    This Student Charter emphasises the importance of belonging to a learning community, and of partnership working between staff and students. It also emphasises the importance of a strong and effective working relationship between the College, the University and the Students’ Union, and symbolises the joint commitment to securing an excellent student experience.

    The College and the University will provide a high quality, bilingual educational experience for a diverse community of learners, contributing positively to the social, economic and environmental needs of Wales, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Five key elements: sustainability, employability, internationalisation, culture and lifelong learning will underpin the unique university experience offered through the College. Through INSPIRE (the Institute for Sustainable Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness), the University is putting sustainability at the heart of its strategic vision.

    The College and University’s Strategic Plans define a number of key priorities including achieving excellence in learning and teaching, achieving excellence in research, providing a high quality student experience, establishing an international profile, developing the Knowledge Economy, advancing social justice, inclusion and access, promoting bilingualism and cultural distinctiveness, financial sustainability, investing in staff and environmental sustainability.

    The College and University are highly committed to bilingualism and cultural distinctiveness and its support for these are outlined in their Strategic Plans and Welsh Language Schemes. The University is one of the leading providers of Welsh medium higher education and offers a range of Welsh medium courses that are part of Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

    The Student Charter will be reviewed jointly by students, Student Union officers, College and University staff on an annual basis. Reviews will incorporate other feedback from students.

    The Student Charter will be published on the College website and will also be disseminated to HE students and staff. If students feel that the required standards have not been met, they should bring the matter to the attention of their Programme leader/Curriculum Area Head/Faculty Director or Student Union. Students can also refer to the College’s or University’s formal complaints and appeals or student grievance procedure.

    • Be prompt, efficient, effective and courteous in all dealings with students.
    • Deal with all students equally.
    • Be open and transparent about all decisions made on all levels where appropriate.
    • Support effective student representation and provide a range of opportunities for student engagement and feedback.
    • Provide high standards of teaching, enhanced by opportunities for continuing professional development and lifelong learning.
    • Provide a range of opportunities for studying through the medium of Welsh or bilingually.
    • Provide high quality administration and support services to support learning and teaching.
    • Provide appropriate environments for learning and teaching.
    • Take all reasonable steps to provide a safe, secure and healthy environment.
    • Put sustainability at the heart of the College and University’s vision, with clear published commitments in terms of delivering for a sustainable Wales.
    • Openly promote the use of relevant technology to inform students of any change or information about their course (eg, by using Moodle).
    • Give appropriate notice if timetables have to be changed and classes cancelled or rescheduled, to allow students to make any necessary arrangements.
    • Commit to provide feedback on written work within five weeks.
    • Provide information on matters including university regulations, programmes of study, student representation, assessment and feedback, unfair practice and plagiarism, examinations, complaints & appeals, disciplinary procedures, equality & diversity, guidance on tackling bullying and harassment, student support, support for disabled students and personal tutors.
    • Provide accurate information on costs of study including tuition, accommodation and other fees, along with payment options.
    • Provide effective careers education, information, advice and guidance, including support with professional development planning.
    • Provide a range of opportunities to enhance employability. • Provide and promote information on opportunities for further study and research.
    • Safeguard all the personal information that students provide and comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998).
    • Be considerate and respectful to the College’s and University’s diverse community of students, staff members and visitors.
    • Commit fully to academic studies in a diligent, honest and professional manner including timetabled learning and any other College or University requirements.
    • Act as a responsible ambassador for the College and University through good conduct and engagement with the local community and environment.
    • Inform the College or University at the earliest opportunity of any disability or any other personal circumstances which may affect opportunities as a student (acknowledging that the provision of this information is a personal decision but will enable the College or University to make reasonable adjustments to support a College and University experience).
    • Use the facilities and resources of the College and University with respect and consideration.
    • Comply with all College and University Regulations.
    • Enrol on an annual basis and pay any monies owed to the College or University on time or as agreed by the College or University.
    • Access my College student e-mail account and Moodle on a regular basis.
    • Respect and abide by the constitution and policies of Coleg Sir Gâr Students’ Union.
    • Make full use of the representational role of Coleg Sir Gâr Students Union.
    • Support, represent and advise students to ensure that they receive fair treatment and are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
    • Promote student participation in all Student Union activities.
    • Ensure a consistent process for the appointment, training and support for all student representatives, including those from non-traditional backgrounds (part- time, distance learning and postgraduate students) across all campuses.
    • Assist students with academic and welfare issues.
    • Represent the interests of students at local and national level.
    • Provide a range activities to enhance personal development, meet other students and develop hobbies and interests.
    • Offer a number of opportunities for students to gain valuable experience through Students’ Union activities including volunteering.
    • Democratically elect all officers to their role within the Students’ Union.
    • Operate an open door policy.
    • Respect and abide by the policies and regulations of Coleg Sir Gar’s Students’ Union.
    • Represent the views of students to the College and/or University.