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BA (Hons) Counselling

  • Ammanford Campus
1 year full-time / 2 years part-time

Counselling is a professional career where empathy, compassion and active listening combine to empower individuals on their journey of personal growth and healing.

The BA in counselling (top up) is a one year full-time or two years part-time course open to qualified counsellors.  This will normally be people who have completed the college’s foundation degree or an equivalent qualification.  You will have completed 100+ hours of a supervised counselling placement as part of your initial qualification.

Course details

Study modes:
  • Full time
  • Part time
Course length:
1 year full-time / 2 years part-time

What you will learn

The BA offers continuous professional development for counsellors following their foundation degree as well offering the opportunity for students to obtain a full BA honours degree.

The BA consists of five modules: 

  • Foundation in counselling young people 
  • Introduction to Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Working with trauma 
  •  Developing Integrative Practice
  • Dissertation

You can progress from the BA to a master’s course at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Swansea campus or elsewhere, if you meet the entrance requirements.

Students from this course have gone on to gain employment in different counselling settings such as school-based counselling services and bereavement services as well as working in private practice.

Continuous assessment throughout the course which includes: 

  • Reflective journal summaries
  • Essays on theory
  • Case studies 
  • Individual and group presentations 
  • Independent project/Dissertation
  • Applicants need to be qualified counsellors who have completed 240 credits at level five of a counselling qualification
  • Enhanced disclosure and barring scheme check
  • Two references
  • Students who have experienced recent traumas or bereavements, or who are considered by the tutors to be too vulnerable at present may be advised to postpone their entry onto the course. Applicants will need to show evidence of self-awareness and the ability to reflect on life experience as well as have the capacity to cope with the emotional and academic demands of the course
  • Your initial qualification will have included 100+ practice hours in a supervised counselling placement

Enhanced DBS: £55.50

BACP student membership - £86 per annum

Books - the library is an excellent resource and carries the majority of books required but some students may wish to own copies of core texts.

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