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Student outside a shop window in Aberystwyth town

Students from Coleg Ceredigion showcased their creative talents as part of the vibrant Gŵyl Cariad Festival, collaborating with local shops to create stunning window displays that celebrate the spirit of the event.

As part of this exciting partnership, each student teamed up with a local business to design a unique and eye-catching window display, incorporating the theme of love, community, and local heritage, which are central to the Gwyl Cariad Festival.

The initiative offered students a valuable opportunity to apply their skills in a real-world setting while supporting local businesses during this highly anticipated festival.

The window displays offered a glimpse into the talents of Coleg Ceredigion’s students and the diversity of Aberystwyth’s local retail scene. 

Visitors to the town were able to enjoy the displays as they explored the festival’s wide range of activities, including art exhibitions, live performances, and workshops.

Art and Design lecturer, Jess Baudey said: “The students have truly impressed us, performing to the same standard as all the other artists in the festival. Their interpretations of the Cariad theme were thoughtful, with many incorporating Welsh culture and heritage into the idea development. The professionalism they showed in their interactions with local businesses was remarkable - so much so that several owners have requested to display the artwork beyond the festival period.”

Student outside a shop window in Aberystwyth town
Student outside a shop window in Aberystwyth town
Student outside a shop window in Aberystwyth town

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