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  • The main responsibility for Health & Safety lies with the Principal of the College.

    The list below details the organisational structure and the posts that are accountable for ensuring that the detailed arrangements for safe working are prepared, implemented and maintained.

    1. Audit & Risk Committee Review & Monitoring
      • Top-level oversight and monitoring of Health & Safety (H&S).
    2. Principal
      • Responsible for Health & Safety (H&S).
    3. Vice Principals and Chief Operating Officer (COO)
      • Responsible for the delivery of Health & Safety (H&S).
    4. Executive Directors, Directors, Assistant Directors, and Heads of Departments
      • Leadership and advice on Health & Safety (H&S) matters.
    5. Director of Estates & Operational Services and Health & Safety Managers
      • Responsible for the delivery and advice of Health & Safety (H&S).
    6. Health and Safety Officer
      • Provides support with advice and delivery to all staff.
    7. All Curriculum Departments and Support Staff
      • Aware of Health & Safety (H&S) requirements and maintain safe working practices.


    The Principal has the ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the College.

    The Principal shall:

    • Promote a positive health and safety culture by demonstrating a clear commitment to achieving high standards of health and safety management and encouraging the involvement of all employees in improving standards and arrangements.
    • Establish and ensure effective delivery of the Health and Safety Policy and management arrangements.
    • Ensure adequate resources, proportionate to the level of risk, are made available for the effective implementation of this Policy and any associated management arrangements, including the maintenance of premises, facilities and equipment and the delivery of adequate training to employees.
    • Ensure that health and safety management is an integral part of the College’s plans/strategies and that all activities are delivered in a manner which is fully compliant with relevant legal standards and consistent with best practice.
    • Ensure that health and safety performance is reviewed at least annually.


    The Vice Principals and COO shall:

    • Coordinate health and safety across the college.
    • Be responsible for providing leadership, direction and oversight when setting the Policy for delivering effective performance in health and safety and risk management.
    • Ensure that management systems provide for effective monitoring and reporting of health and safety performance, more specifically, ensuring compliance with health and safety legislative requirements within management responsibilities as identified within this Policy.
    • Keep themselves informed of any significant health and safety failures and of the outcomes of the investigation into their causes.
    • Ensure that all decisions made by the college take into consideration the impact that the decision will have on the health and safety of employees and others.

    The Director of Estates & Operational Services together with the Health & Safety Manager will support the Principal, the Corporate Board and all staff by providing competent advice and assistance on all health and safety matters.


    The role of the College Directors, Assistant Directors, Heads of Department and other College Managers is to provide leadership on and advise on health and safety matters.

    In order to achieve this goal, they shall:

    • Ensure that the Health and Safety Policy, organisation and arrangements are reviewed, kept up-to-date, understood and effectively implemented.
    • Help to set performance standards for health and safety.
    • Monitor performance (e.g. by reviewing reports and statistics) and initiate corrective action where necessary.
    • Monitor the work of others and stimulate their interest, involvement and commitment to health and safety.
    • Work with all disciplines in reviewing, inspecting and improving work systems with the objective of improving health and safety performance.
    • Participate in the investigation of incidents where necessary.


    It is the role of Line Managers to support the College Directors, Assistant Directors, Heads of Department and other College Managers in their endeavour to ensure safe working conditions at all times.

    They shall:

    • Instruct each employee as necessary in the avoidance of hazards and in the safe performance of work.
    • Ensure those employees under their control understand the requirements of the Health and Safety Policy and comply with the arrangements.
    • Investigate all incidents leading to injury, damage or loss, and report as required.
    • In the event of an incident to take any action necessary to deal with the situation.
    • Recommend improvements or changes required to eliminate hazards and remove the causes of accidents, damage and loss.
    • Ensure that employees under their control are available for health and safety training when required.


    All employees of the College shall:

    • Understand and follow College Health and Safety policy, procedures, processes, standards and systems of work.
    • Implement appropriate Health and Safety procedures, processes, standards and systems of work.
    • Carry out their work safely in the interest of themselves and others.
    • Report unsafe conditions to their line manager so that corrective action can be taken if considered necessary.
    • Impart knowledge and experience on working practices to others.

    • The College will ensure that all employees will receive adequate training, information and instruction to enable them to carry out their jobs effectively and without risk to their health and safety or that of others.
    • When allocating work to staff, the demands of the job shall not exceed their capabilities, knowledge or experience and where additional training requirements have been identified this will be provided to enable the job to be carried out safely.
    • All employees shall receive a health and safety induction upon commencement of employment and will receive initial and refresher training relative to the work activities that they are undertaking.
    • Records of all training will be maintained centrally.
    • All staff shall complete online training upon commencement of work to include General Health and Safety awareness as well as Fire Awareness in Education. This shall be completed annually and weekly reminder emails will be sent to all employees who have not completed the training within this time.
    • Overdue training will be identified via the online software system and a report of outstanding training will be published within the H&S committee meetings.
    • The online training is mandatory for all staff.
    • The Health and Safety department may also enrol staff on additional Health and Safety training as identified and required.
    • Job related H&S training shall be arranged by the Head of Department and a documented request made to the H&S department via the Google Form on the H&S website (Gateway).


    • The College acknowledges that health & safety issues affect all staff and learners and recognises that by informing and encouraging input from everyone will assist the College in improving and monitoring its health and safety performance.
    • Health and safety must be considered at all Curriculum area and Departmental meetings and be included as a standard agenda item.
    • A College Health and Safety Meeting will be held every term. There will be a standard agenda format with reports presented from each Curriculum and Support area together with an analysis of accident/incident / near miss statistics.
    • Details of the meetings for the academic year will be displayed on the College’s Gateway site.
    • The staff health and safety noticeboards inform staff who they may contact should they have any health & safety concerns.
    • Meeting agendas and minutes are available for staff to read on the College’s Gateway and Google site.
    • Copies of the Minutes shall be publicised as soon as possible after the health and safety meeting.
    • Health and safety information is reported to the Audit & Risk Committee and presented to the Governing Board. Meetings take place at a minimum on a termly basis.


    • All staff and learners must report to their line manager, lecturer or Campus Office, at the earliest opportunity, all accidents, incidents or near miss situations which have given rise to or could give rise to, injury, loss or damage, including violent or aggressive incidents.
    • Line Managers and Lecturers shall ensure:
      • that a completed incident or accident report form is forwarded to the Campus Manager or reception within 48 hours;
      • investigation of the incident or accident and completion of associated documentation; and
      • that appropriate remedial action is taken in accordance with the College’s “Accident & Incident Reporting Procedures”.
    • All RIDDOR reportable incidents shall be notified to the HSE by the relevant Campus Manager with the Health and Safety Manager and the Director of Estates and Operational Services advised accordingly.
    • When investigating cases of sickness absence, managers shall make reasonable enquiries to determine whether the illness has a work-related cause. All cases of ill health associated with a person’s occupation must be reported to the College HR Department as soon as possible.
    • In the case of a fatality or a serious injury, which results in the casualty being taken to the hospital, the Principal, relevant Vice Principals, Director of Estates & Operational Services, Campus Manager and Health and Safety Manager must be informed immediately.

    Refer to Accident and Incident Reporting procedure for further details.

    2.4 FIRST AID

    • The College will ensure adequate first aid provision across the college and at every facility that it manages. This will include a suitable number of first aid trained employees.
    • First Aiders (whilst they are officially at work) are covered by college insurance for administering first aid to staff, learners or members of the public.
    • The College will ensure First Aiders have appropriate training and will provide first aid boxes/equipment.
    • All staff shall ensure that if necessary, the alarm is raised at the earliest opportunity so that medical support can be provided to physically injured or medically ill persons.

    Refer to First Aid Guidance for further details.


    • Activities undertaken by the College, which have a potential to cause harm, will be risk assessed. Selected individuals will complete this work and the contents of the risk assessments will be communicated to all affected parties.
    • It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure a sufficient and satisfactory assessment has been made of the risks to the health and safety of staff, learners and others to which they may be exposed during College activities;
    • All risk assessments will be kept in Curriculum areas / Directorates and will be reviewed at least annually or when there is a significant change. Risk Assessments must be easily accessible and shared with staff and learners.
    • Specific risk assessments shall consider the particular needs of young persons, vulnerable adults, people with additional needs and pregnant workers.
    • The College will provide training for staff undertaking risk assessments.

    Refer to Risk Assessment Procedure for further details.


    • The College will ensure the safety of every individual who is likely to be exposed to hazardous substances as part of college activities.
    • To ensure compliance with relevant chemical regulations the relevant Curriculum area / Department will:
      • compile and maintain an inventory of all hazardous substances used;
      • obtain data sheets from manufacturers on each substance used and carry out risks assessments of hazardous substances and review as necessary; and
      • introduce suitable and sufficient control measures to prevent or minimise risks.
    • It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that a sufficient and satisfactory COSHH assessment has been completed for all chemicals used by staff and learners as part of their day to day activities.
    • Staff and learners should be aware of any substances that they use in the course of their day and make proper use of control measures and personal protective equipment.

    Refer to COSHH Guidance for further details.


    • The College is committed to ensuring welfare standards (ventilated, suitable temperature, suitably lit, adequate sanitation facilities and standards, and provision of refectories) are adequate ensuring that the campuses are clean and that there is safe access/egress to and from the premises.
    • Campus Managers and the Director of Estates & Operational Services are responsible for monitoring cleanliness and liaising with designated Cleaning Contractors responsible for cleaning at all campuses. The Campus Managers and Director of Estates & Operational Services will undertake periodic inspections at all campuses throughout the year.
    • Staff are encouraged to report areas where cleanliness is of concern to the Campus Managers or reception staff who are responsible for informing the onsite cleaning operatives accordingly. The Campus Manager and Director of Estates & Operational Services will seek to redress the standards during both informal and regular formal meetings.
    • The Estates Department is responsible for the maintenance of the College premises to ensure that the buildings are in a suitable condition.
    • The College has designated smoking and vaping areas. All other areas are strictly no smoking and vaping.

    Refer to Information, Instruction and Supervision procedure.


    • The College recognises its responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of all staff and learners in relation to infectious diseases and viruses including COVID-19.
    • The College cooperates and communicates on a regular basis with Officials from Public Health Wales and Welsh Government in managing health risks.
    • The College shall monitor infection numbers and mitigation control measures will be introduced as deemed appropriate. Any emerging concerns will be escalated to the Executive Team to take appropriate action.


    • The College recognises its responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of all Display Screen Equipment Users and will undertake a suitable and sufficient DSE assessment of all workstations upon request to the Health and Safety Department.
    • The Heads of Department and Line Managers are responsible to ensure that all Users have had a DSE assessment completed on their workstation where necessary.
    • The DSE assessments, will determine the frequency of review, or where there is a significant change in workstation design and equipment used.

    Refer to DSE Assessment Procedure for further details.


    • The College will ensure that work equipment is so designed, constructed or adapted to be suitable for the purpose for which it is being used or provided.
    • All work equipment, including portable electrical appliances, will be maintained in efficient working order and in good repair with records kept. This will include the requirements for statutory inspection, where applicable.
    • The use of hazardous work equipment is controlled through the risk assessment process with workers being provided with adequate safety information, instruction, and training prior to the use of that work equipment.
    • It is the responsibility of all staff and learners to ensure they immediately report to their line manager or lecturer if they suspect that work equipment is faulty or damaged.


    • The requirements of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations will be adhered to at all times.
    • Assessments will be completed for manual handling tasks carried out by the College and the necessary precautions (including training) taken as a result of these assessments.
    • Staff and learners are to pay care and attention when undertaking manual handling tasks to minimise the risk of injury to themselves.

    Refer to Manual Handling procedure for further details.


    • The requirements of the Working at Height Regulations 2005 will be adhered to at all times.
    • Care is to be taken when working at height.
    • Specific precautions will need to be taken whenever there is potential for a person to fall a distance that is liable to cause injury.
    • All work that includes working at height will be risk assessed.

    Refer to Working at Height procedure for further details.


    • The College will ensure the adequate provision and use of personal protective equipment.
    • Where provided, staff and learners are required to wear such equipment without exception.
    • Lost or damaged equipment may be replaced, but staff and learners must report such loss or damage to their lecturer or line manager at the earliest opportunity.
    • PPE shall be maintained and kept in good, working order by the individual wearing the PPE.

    Refer to Provision of Personal Protective Equipment Guidance for further details.


    • The Estates Department is responsible for ensuring that the grounds, pedestrian and vehicle traffic routes are well maintained. The College displays suitable road traffic signs where appropriate, use speed calming measures, safe pedestrian crossing points and provide adequate vehicle parking facilities throughout the campuses.
    • All vehicles owned and leased by the college will be maintained to MOT standards and will be suitably insured.
    • It is the responsibility of the drivers of vehicles to inspect college fleet vehicles for obvious defects prior to use and report concerns to their line manager or campus office or reception.
    • National and site speed limits shall be observed at all times when travelling in the College vehicles.
    • Staff who drive College vehicles or use their own vehicles on College business will be required to produce for inspection a copy of their driving licence on an annual basis.
    • Staff who use their own vehicles for College travel should ensure that the car has a valid MOT and have suitable insurance to cover the use of the vehicle on College business.

    Refer to Driving for Work Guidance for further details.

    2.15 FIRE SAFETY

    • The College will have a Fire Safety Policy, to be reviewed every 3 years.
    • The College will provide and maintain suitable fire arrangements throughout the buildings under its control based on the findings of fire risk assessments that will be undertaken on a periodic basis by competent persons.
    • Any person discovering a fire is to raise the alarm immediately to ensure that all other persons within the building are aware of the emergency situation.
    • On hearing the alarm all persons are to assemble outside the building in the designated assembly area using the nearest safe exit.
    • Once assembled, a responsible person will check that all staff and others are present and liaise with the emergency services. On no account should anyone re-enter the building until they have been advised that it is safe to do so.

    Refer to Fire Safety Policy and Fire Risk Assessments on Fire Safety Management.

    2.16 ASBESTOS

    • The College recognises its responsibilities under legislation to protect employees and others from the harmful effects of asbestos.
    • The College will:
      • carry out a survey of all our buildings to find out if asbestos is likely to be present; and
      • maintain a register of all areas where asbestos is present and introduce suitable controls for monitoring, maintaining and, if necessary, removal.
    • If maintenance or refurbishment works are to take place in areas where asbestos is known to be present, a full and detailed risk assessment will be required prior to the commencement of the works.


    • The College recognises the need to protect its staff and others from risks associated with the built environment, this includes the harmful effects of legionella.
    • It appreciates that the control of legionella is a continuing responsibility and will take reasonable steps to prevent its proliferation and transmission via water systems.
    • Legionella will be managed on a site by site basis following the risk assessment protocols laid down in the Approved Code of Practice and Guidance for the Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems.


    • Staff working alone should comply with the college procedures for lone working where applicable.
    • If it is known that a member of staff will be required to work alone, a specific risk assessment will be carried out by the respective line manager.
    • If a member of staff working alone has a medical condition, they should make appropriate arrangements to ensure someone is aware of their whereabouts and times they are working.
    • If deemed necessary in the Risk Assessment, the member of staff identified as a Lone Worker should contact a nominated person at pre-arranged times.

    Refer to Lone Working procedure for further details.


    • The College will take reasonably practicable precautionary measures for the prevention of any occupational ill health of employees. This will include a review of the workplace, workstation, task management and equipment, along with the use of alternatives to hazardous substances, monitoring of exposure levels, individual health surveillance, provision of personal protective equipment and task management, where applicable.
    • Health monitoring and surveillance is provided where:
      • it is required under statutory provision;
      • there is an identified disease or adverse health condition associated with the work activity;
      • there is a reasonable likelihood that the disease or condition may occur whilst carrying out the work activity; and
      • it is likely to benefit the health of the worker.
    • Staff shall immediately report to their supervisor or manager if they suspect that they are becoming ill as a result of any work activity.

    2.20 STRESS

    • The College recognises its responsibility to maintain a healthy and safe environment by promoting the general well-being of all its employees. The College will provide support and guidance in ensuring that employees do not suffer the effects of stress as a result of the duties undertaken.
    • The College does provide a professional counselling service free of charge via the College’s insurers to those Employees who wish to access the service.
    • The Director of People and Culture will monitor and assess employees’ absence records for the reasons for absence in order to identify and advise staff of the support offered by the college.


    • Misuse of alcohol or other substances can affect the safety of staff and others and lead to increased absenteeism due to the decline in the general health and well-being of individuals.
    • The consumption of alcohol and the taking of any non-medication drugs is strictly prohibited during the hours of work and employees are not to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during working hours.
    • Any member of staff who is concerned that he/she may have a dependence on alcohol or drugs is encouraged to seek help and advice from his/her General Practitioner, line manager or a member of the HR team. Every assistance will be offered to help the employee in these circumstances and the information will be held in the strictest confidence.


    • The College will ensure that all contractors working on behalf of the College will have appropriate safety arrangements in place.
    • All contractors working on behalf of the College will be expected to provide suitable and sufficient method statements and/or risk assessments prior to the commencement of the work.
    • All equipment that is brought onto site by contractors should be suitable for the task and have the necessary examination certificates that should be available for inspection.
    • All works which are to be undertaken on the premises, infrastructure, disruption to utility services or the structural fabric of the buildings can only be organised and arranged by the Estates Department.

    Refer to Contractor Control procedure for further details.


    • The College has a responsibility to ensure that learners are not exposed to risks affecting their health and safety during their work experience/apprenticeships.
    • This is safeguarded by ensuring that all participating Host Organisations / Employers in which Learners are placed for work experience or apprenticeships, comply with current Health & Safety legislation by following the vetting & monitoring requirements outlined in the Welsh Government’s Health & Safety Code of Practice for Contracted Provision and by completing the relevant documentation.

    Refer to Work Based Learners procedure for further details.


    • The College recognises its responsibility to ensure that subcontracted educational provisions conducted in other premises and by other organisations are undertaken in a suitable manner and to approved or acceptable health & safety standards.
    • Vice Principals are responsible to ensure that there are formal contracts or service level agreements which have been signed with the College’s subcontracted educational providers prior to any work undertaken by the sub-contractor on behalf of the college.
    • The Work Based Trainer Advisors are responsible for auditing the College’s subcontracted educational providers through an appropriate set of health & safety criteria determined by the Welsh Government Health & Safety Code of Practice for Contracted Provision on an annual basis.


    • Where a workplace is shared with other employers, the College will ensure appropriate co-operation and consultation with associates on all matters of health and safety.


    • The presence of unauthorised animals on campus poses potential health, safety, and security risks. Therefore, unauthorised animals are strictly prohibited on campus premises unless specified under specific conditions (e.g., service animals).
    • Authorised animals that are permitted on campus include:
      • Animals that are managed by Faculties as part of legitimate learning purposes on campus.
      • Service animals accompanying individuals with disabilities.
      • Other exceptions may include dogs brought for specific authorised events, with prior approval from Campus Office / H&S Department.
    • Individuals are not permitted to bring therapy animals onto Campus. Pre arranged therapy dog sessions organised by the Wellbeing department via a partner organisation is permitted.


    • The College has a Safeguarding Policy which is compliant with the Welsh Government guidelines and relevant legislation and it undertakes enhanced Disclosure & Barring Services checks for all members of staff.
    • The College recognises that learners require adequate information and training in matters relating to health and safety for their college attendance and course specific knowledge and skills.
    • The College’s Learner Experience Directorate is responsible for ensuring that all learners receive an adequate general college health and safety induction during their first few weeks of study. The Learner Experience Directorate must evaluate the general inductions given to ascertain the level of understanding gained by the learner. Should any areas of concern be identified during the evaluation process, the Learner Experience Directorate must ensure that the student receives another induction. Records of the induction and evaluations must be kept.
    • Directors / Assistant Directors of Curriculum, Heads of Department and lecturers are responsible for ensuring that learners have individual risk assessments in place as identified within their Medical and Consent forms, or as and when new medical information is disclosed / discovered. Individual risk assessments shall be completed in line with the Administering and Storing Medication Procedure, in conjunction with Learning Support.
    • Directors / Assistant Directors of Curriculum and Heads of Department are responsible for ensuring that learners have received adequate and appropriate course specific health and safety training including training for activities or equipment used when it is appropriate throughout the duration of their course. Records must be kept.
    • Directors / Assistant Directors of Curriculum and Heads of Department are also responsible for ensuring that the health and safety subject matter has been adequately understood and evaluated by incorporating the content into the course subject, including the correct use, maintenance, cleaning and storage of Personal Protective Equipment, by ensuring that specific health and safety module units are completed and recorded or by another form of examination. Records of which must be kept.
    • Teaching and Training staff are responsible for arrangements to ensure that where appropriate, all learners are made aware of relevant risk assessments and safe systems of work that are needed to reduce risks. Teaching and Training staff are responsible for ensuring that learners are briefed and receive information regarding the hazards, risks and control measures when learners use items of work equipment or hazardous substances or undertake a hazardous activity. Records of which must be kept.
    • Teaching and Training staff are responsible for ensuring that there are a suitable and adequate number of items of Personal Protective Equipment available for the activities as determined by the risk assessment. Teaching and Training staff must also ensure that the Personal Protective Equipment is used appropriately.
    • All College staff are to encourage learners to behave in accordance with health and safety policy, procedures and guidelines.
    • An annual compliance safety audit will be carried out by the Director of Estates & Operational Services along with the Health & Safety Manager who will be assisted by the relevant line managers. The audit shall seek to identify areas for improvement in the management of health, safety and wellbeing and assessment of risks for all activities. Verification of compliance with this policy shall be achieved by inspection of the above records.
    • To support the requirements of this policy a number of internal audits and inspections will be identified and undertaken.
    • The Director of Estates & Operational Services along with the Health & Safety Manager will ensure that all necessary audits and inspections are undertaken, findings of the audits and inspections are actioned in a timely manner and suitable records retained for an appropriate timescale.
    • All auditing and monitoring activities will be presented for review at the Audit & Risk Committee.
  • The Director of Estates & Operational Services along with the Health & Safety Manager in consultation with staff representatives shall review this policy on an annual basis or when a change in relevant legislation requires a review to ascertain both its appropriateness and effectiveness.

    • The College is committed to the promotion of the Welsh Language and will endeavour to address and support the needs of the Welsh Language staff, students, visitors and contractors.
    • The approved Policy and Statement will be published in Welsh and English.
    • Health and Safety training will be offered in Welsh and English and both languages will be treated equally.
  • The College recognises that the health and safety of our employees, students, visitors and other persons who work with us and/or may be affected by our activities are one of our top priorities. As one of our top priorities the College continues to monitor the infection rates on a local and national basis.

    The College Executive and Corporate Board will endeavour to provide and maintain sufficient resources in order to achieve compliance with the Health and Safety Policy.

    The key focus areas of our approach will be:

    • Identification and compliance with all current and future legislation;
    • Assessment and management of risk, so far as is reasonably practicable;
    • Development of suitable and sufficient policies, procedures and working practices;
    • Consultation and communication on health, safety and wellbeing matters;
    • Training to ensure a good working knowledge of current standards and procedures;
    • Regular review and audit of our undertakings to help us define improvements to our systems of work.

    Individuals will be expected to demonstrate their own personal commitment by:

    • Co-operating with the requirements of the policy and highlighting any deficiencies in the arrangements;
    • Following and implementing health and safety working procedures and, ensuring that those they have responsibility for, do likewise;
    • Demonstrating a positive and proactive approach to Health & Safety and helping to promote it in others;
    • Looking for opportunities to improve and maintain performance.