British Horse Society Stage 2 Lunge Training and Assessment (Short courses and Adult Learning, Level 2)
- Pibwrlwyd Campus
The BHS Stage 2 Lunge assessment forms part of the BHS Stage 2 Foundation Groom.
This course is designed to prepare and assess learners for the BHS Stage 2 Lunge examination. Ideal for anyone who is looking to further enhance knowledge and skills and step up to become an assistant groom working with horses.
The course will help you to improve knowledge and practical skills to be able to prepare a horse to lunge using tack which includes a bridle, cavesson, saddle, side reins and brushing boots, demonstrate safe lungeing and work the horse in its basic paces, showing consideration for the size of the circle.
The course and assessment will be undertaken at the Coleg Sir Gar BHS Approved Training Centre. The practical sessions will be delivered on the yard and the course will also include access to online learning resources.
Course details
- Part time
- English
What you will learn
- Access to online resources and support
- Completion of your Skills Record
- The course will last for 10 weeks with one 2 hour session per week at the college. The 10th week will include 2 days - last 2 hour training session followed by the BHS Stage 2 lunge assessment on the next day.
- A supportive learning environment
- Understand lungeing a horse
- Understand equipment required for lungeing
- Be able to lunge a horse for exercise
- Eligibility to progress to BHS Stage 3 Groom & Lunge subject to successful achievement the BHS Stage 2 Care & Lunge assessment
- BHS Stage 2 is the second step to becoming a professional in the industry by following the BHS Professional Pathway
- BHS Stage 2 foundation groom will equip you with the skills to work in the industry as an assistant groom, competently caring for horses with limited supervision
- There is an increasing demand for people with good practical skills to work in stable yards, stud work and racing, amongst other disciplines and areas.
BHS stage 2 Lunge Assessment
Learners must be 16 years old and hold a current BHS Gold membership
A suitable and relevant equine background and experience working with and handling horses is necessary and a reference from a suitably qualified or experienced person may be asked for.
Learners must have successfully achieved the BHS Stage 1 Care assessment and the BHS Stage 2 care assessment in order to progress to this Stage 2 lunge course with the assessment at the end. Applicants must be able to provide evidence of the Stage 2 care certificates.
In some cases, a Recognition of Prior Certified Learning can mean that applicants may be eligible for direct entry to assessments of BHS Stage 2 level and above - see the British Horse Society website for further information or contact Coleg Sir Gar Admissions.
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